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Crystal Clear
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Opening Times: Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm, Saturday: 9am - 12pm, Sunday: Closed

Energy Efficient Windows

Why Should You Upgrade / Replace Your Window Panes?

Replace The Panes Not The Frames With Pilkington Logo

There is no need to replace your window frames when you can simply replace the glazing only. At Crystal Clear we can replace your glazing with new energy efficient Pilkington energiKare glass at a fraction of the cost of installing new window frames.

Call us today to reduce your carbon foot print and start saving money on your energy bills.

Why It Makes Crystal Clear Sense To Make Your Windows More Energy Efficient?

Pikington energiKare
Crystal Clear use Pilkington energiKare sealed units for our replacement energy efficient glazing which reduces heat loss through windows significantly. It is said that existing windows can loose up to 90% of energy which results in paying more for energy bills.

Replace your double glazed sealed units to our high quality Crystal Clear Pilkington energiKare sealed units and notice the difference today.

Standard double glazing has none of the qualities of the Pilkington glass as it works in two different ways. From the inside of your window the glass reflects the heat back in. The pane on the outside is extra clear which allows more solar heat in again in, Warming your home

Pilkington K glass the UK’s top selling low emissivity glass helps keep the heat in your home. Pilkington Optiwhite is an extra clear glass that allows the sun to penetrate it allowing solar heat energy in through your windows (solar gain).

The sealed units are filled then with argon gas, this will make the unit more thermal again making your home warmer and saving you money.

Why Should You Upgrade / Replace Your Window Panes?Pikington energiKare

There are many benefits from upgrading or replacing your window panes by Crystal Clear.

  • It improves the energy efficiency of your home.
  • Lowers the amount of energy used to heat your property.
  • Reduces your energy fuel bills significantly saving you money.
  • Pilkington’s energiKare units are more efficient than standard double glazing.
  • Changing the glass double glazed units is so much cheaper than replacing the frames.
  • Crystal Clear double Glazed sealed units are made to high standard and will last the much longer than any other unit.
Contact us at 01206 430725